Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Web 2.0 tools: MentorMob and Mixbook

     After a few days of exploring MentorMob and Mixbook as web 2.0 tools in the classroom, I believe they both would be wonderful supplements to the classroom. Luckily for teachers, both sites are free to use in their classrooms. MentorMob is designed to link webpages and videos together to create a community of learners. It eliminates the overwhelming amount of information to be found simply by goggling a topic. MentorMob would be ideal for teachers to use to guide student's research or to create lessons for students to view as supplements to their lessons. Also, Mixbook is used to create interactive photo books, e cards, or calenders. Teachers could use Mixbook in their classroom by creating storybooks for their classroom or engage their students in the writing process. By using students writing, the child could create their own unique story and overtime proofread, then ultimately create and order their personal book.
     One of my personal favorites about MentorMob and Mixbook is that they are both completely customizable. Any teacher can incorporate the design of both sites to increase their student's technology usage. Additionally, both sites could be used as tools for student engagement. It allows students to view content is a different manner. Also, it gives students freedom to express their own thoughts differently. I believe that every student could benefit for using MentorMob and Mixbook in their educational careers.

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