Monday, June 18, 2012

Children's Internet Protection Act July Deadline

     On July 1, 2012, CIPA will include educating students about online safety and cyberbullying in order to receive E-rate federal funds. Schools are able to receive E-rated federal funds by complying to the regulation of the CIPA. Although this new regulation of CIPA is not confusing, schools main issue will be to have a plan written by the deadline to include instruction of online safety and cyberbullying into student curriculum. CIPA does not mandate how the schools are to include this curriculum, so school districts are able to teach the curriculum in the way that best fits their students.
     I believe the biggest issue school districts will have with the July deadline is making the requirement more complicated than it is. School districts have free will about how to teach the content and how to address the information. I believe the most logical way to teach the content to younger children would be to set up a computer play center in each class. The students would have to learn how to properly work the computers before they ever were allowed to use it. I believe once the school districts work out the issues of implementing the new regulation that the students will greatly benefit from the exposure to online safety and cyberbullying. This regulation could ultimately save the lives of children.

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