Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ocean Animals- Concept Map

Ocean Animals

I.       Dolphins

A.    Echolocation

Dolphins use their echolocation as their sonar system. They produce high frequency clicks which bounce off of other objects. This information is used to tell the dolphins the shape, size, and distance of surrounding objects.

B.    Mammals

II.     Sharks

A.    Livers aid in floating

B.    Cartilaginous fish

III.    Clown Anemonefish

A.    28 Species

B.    Born all male

Clown Anemonefish are born as all males. Then under certain conditions, some males transform into females. Once the males have transformed into females, they cannot turn back into males.

IV.    Sea Horses

A.    Propel with dorsal fins

B.    Move eyes independently

Sea horses are able to move their eyes independently of each other. This helps the tiny creatures protect themselves from danger because they are able to watch for approaching predators at all time.

V.     Sea Turtles

A.    Threatened species

1.    Pollution

As people dump trash and oil into the ocean, the sea turtle living closer to shore often eat the trash. This causes an infection throughout their body ultimately killing the turtle.

2.    Boat collisions

B.    Long life span

Most sea turtles that survive the harsh conditions live to be up to 50 years old. As they grow older, the sea turtle move closer to the shore line.

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