Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How To Incorporate Gamification in My Future Classroom

     Gamification can be extremely important in classrooms today. By using the student's natural competitive nature, I could help the students learn new concepts. Several people today view student's education as lacking because they believe students are no longer motivated to learn. However, that is such a wrong statement because students can easily be engaged in learning if the teacher implementing gamification in their classroom. The first focus must be on the students interest and skill level. You would not expect a 7 year old boy to want to pretend to be a father to a baby. However, if the gamification was installed in the activity and the boy thought it was a competition to see who could properly hold a baby or feed a baby, then the boy would be more motivated to correctly preform the task. With each lesson, you have to look at the broader message of the lesson and not focus on the actual activity to the students. The boy would not be excited about the lesson if I started class by saying, "Today we are going to play with baby dolls!" As a teacher, I have to be able to incorporate every students interest and motivating ideas into helping the student gain a better understanding of the concept being taught. 

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