Monday, June 18, 2012

Digitial Citizenship: Using Technology Appropriately

     In today's society, people must constantly be aware of their personal safety. There is no difference in the digital world because there will always be dangers. However, people can be educated on the nine elements of digital citizenship. The first element is digital access which means that in order to be productive citizens we must be available to equal digital access. The second element is digital commerce which is the electronic element of buying and selling products through the digital world. Digital communication is the third element that describes how technology has invented multiple methods of communication. The fourth element is digital literacy which that people have to constantly learn about new and changing technology. Digital etiquette is the fifth element that discusses what is appropriate for the digital world. The sixth element is digital law which means that people are legally responsible for what is said in the digital world. Digital rights and responsibility are the seventh element that expands off of the right in the US constitution. The eighth element is digital health and wellness that addresses physical and mental implications technology can have on a person. The ninth element is digital security which describes how people should protect themselves from the dangers of the digital world.
     Digital citizenship is key in creating a beneficial use of the digital world. Educators should be aware of how to educate students about each element of digital citizenship.Students should be aware of their actions in the digital world, as well as their personal safety. If each person followed these guidelines, then the digital world would be more a safe place to use in everyone's daily lives. However, there will always be harmful elements of everything, so we should educate ourselves about our safety and our own rights in the new digital world.

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