Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Virtues of Blogging as Scholarly Actvity Review

     I really thought it was great to see the blogging aspect of research being shown as accountable research. In our society today, college students view journal articles as a nuisance that our professors require us to research. However, it is not the information in the articles that students are bored by; the style of journal articles are outdated. Being technically savvy,  I would much rather research a blog that displayed videos or presentations about a topic than read a fifteen page journal article with only one way of communicating the author's idea. Research even shows today that students learn information better when it is displayed to them in multiple methods. Additionally, students would also be more self-motivated to do research for themselves if they could research for accountable blogs. Blogging helps students see how information can be displayed multiple ways while still gaining the same knowledge of a journal article. Of course, scholarly activity will always be done through research; however, universities should begin to recognize the impact blogs could have on educating students. Since research shows how students gain a deeper understanding of knowledge through their preferred interest, universities should begin allowing blogs to help formally educate students on new research. We should all continually use our vast array of technological knowledge to display our research findings to others.  

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