Monday, June 18, 2012

'Safe' Social Networking Tailored for K-12 Schools

     Teachers realize the impact social media could have on a student's education and are tying to use the student's knowledge at the maximum potential possible. We live in a time period where students will use social media no matter what;however, safe social media sites have been designed to use social media to expand a student's education. These sites were designed in order to protect teachers and students, as well as, use the student's natural ability to interact on social media sites. Sites such as Edmodo and eChalk are controlled environments that are set up for teachers to lead students discussions. Also, teachers can monitor student posting and their are safety blockers on the sites to help block people from making obscene postings.
     I believe that these education social media sties would be extremely beneficial to students. It would expand social media to students, so that they could learn how to benefit from connecting with others. Additionally, it would help students to properly display their thoughts about a discussion instead of common oral discussions. The students would have time to reflect and organize their thoughts before having to share them with the class. I also believe it will help students to put more efforts into their work because their peers would be reading it also. As longs as the teacher safely monitor the posts, I believe educational social media will be beneficial for students.

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