Monday, June 18, 2012

A Future Full of Badges

     Universities are now looking into a technological badge to change the way universities validate higher learning. UC-Davis in California is one of the first to receive a badge for their development in research on plant genetics, water conservation, and pest control. These badges were created by the Mozilla Foundation, creators of Firefox web browsing. These badges would be described as awards of achievement for groups and individuals. The badges would ultimately help people display their academic achievement and goals more clearly to future employers. The badges would change entire way academic offices displayed students' achievement rather than displaying a general transcript with letter grades.
     The badges system, I believe, would ultimately be beneficial for all aspects of education. IT could really impact a student's learning because it allows the student to display their knowledge in a relate-able fashion. It would also allow students to become responsible for their learning rather than relying on a general letter grade. Additionally, the badges systems allows for people to track their own goals and success. Students would be able to see growth and potential continually rather than only at the end of a semester. I believe the badges would be beneficial if used correctly in education to distinguish achievement and success of goals.

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