Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How Web Literacy Personally Affects Me

     In today's society, the use of the internet has increased drastically. This is a great advance in our technological world; however, only if people use the knowledge of the internet to its maximum potential. As a young adult, my generation viewed the internet as a way to interact with our friends through social media and help simplify research information for our research papers. Unfortunately, our pride of technological ability is actually a false perception because we are not using the ability of the internet properly.
     I had never reflected on my use of the internet until I began this course. Being that I desire to be a educator, I now see the importance of ability of the internet because students need to know how to truly use the internet. For example, I had never thought of twitter as being anything more than another social media site. I thought hashtags were simply conversational ques. Having my eyes opened to twitter's ability, I now see how it can be used to research information or seek guidance from others concerning information through linked hashtags. This enable others to gather their own information and publish their own thoughts and ideas concerning topics.
    As a future educator, I have to be aware of my students' knowledge to successfully use the internet for gaining knowledge. Additionally, I believe that students will be excited to learn new ways to gain knowledge through their own social media sites. I have to be able to teach my students that the internet has much more potential than we use. As technology increases, I want my students to be able to increase their knowledge of how to access the maximum potential of each piece of new and old technology.

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