Friday, July 20, 2012


           Before beginning this course, I truly did not know what to expect about what I would be learning. However, I gained so much valuable knowledge that I will be sure to incorporate into my future classroom. Not only did this class teach me new technological information, but it also taught me to look at older technology differently to use in my future classroom. For instance, I always viewed Twitter as only another social media site. Now I see how to use Twitter in my class as a collaboration or research tool. Throughout the course, I completed several beneficial assignments.
            My first completed assignment was to post an introduction video of myself. I had never actually uploaded a video, yet it was surprisingly easy to do. This assignment follows the NETS-T standard 2a of the designing or adapting relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity because it allowed us express ourselves through a video. Most teachers follow the common format of having students stand up and tell about themselves or write an introduction paper about themselves. However, by allowing me to video myself it gave me an alternate way to express about myself. I could incorporate this in my classroom as an interactive icebreaker and have the student ask each other questions and film the interviews. I truly like this assignment because it shows students that technology can be easily used.
            My second assignment was to create a concept map with inspiration software. This assignment followed the NETS-T standard 1a of promoting, supporting, and modeling creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness because it is a creative way to have student’s brainstorm topics or present information to the class. I could use this in my future classroom by having students teach their peers about certain topics. It would allow the students to be innovative in their thinking process. I believe that students would benefit from using technological concept maps rather than using common concept maps because it allows them to connect more information such as hyperlinks and photos. I really liked this assignment because it allowed me to display my knowledge of sea animals in an innovative way.
            My third assignment completed was making a movie. This assignment followed the NETS-T standard 2b because it incorporates allowing all students to seek their individual curiosities in technology-enriched learning environments. I could use this assignment in my future classroom by using it to increase a student’s engagement in the writing process. I would allow the students to choose a topic of interest and write a story about the topic. Then, the students would be able to see their stories come to life as they made a movie about their stories. I did like this assignment a lot because it was fun to be creative and create something personal.
            My fourth assignment to complete was to create a voki. I was probably the most unfamiliar with this form of technology because I had never even heard of it before. Vokis follow the NETS-T standard 3c to communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media. It followed this standard because the voki was used to introduce ourselves to our students through an interactive format. I could use this in my future classroom as an engagement tool. The students will be more interested in listening to my information if I changed up the format continually. The students will be interested in watching the voki rather than listen to me lecture. Although I liked this assignment, it is probably the least likely to be used often. It took a long time to create the voki and there was a limit on how much it could actually talk. I just do not believe it will be as beneficial as the other assignments.
             My final assignment was to create my teacher’s web page. Personally, I believe this assignment will help me the most in the future because it taught me how to set up a web page that could easily be accessed by parents or students. This assignment followed the NETS-T standard 4b of addressing the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies and providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources. Creating a web page followed this standard because it allowed me to organize resources for parents and students in my classroom. Once I formally become a teacher, it will be vital to the success in my classroom to have a web page for parents to keep up with current events in my class. I really liked this assignment because it prepared me to set my classroom web page in the future.
            I honestly believe that I will greatly benefit from this course in the future. It taught me to appreciate technology and how vital it is to use in my future classroom. I now believe that I am equipped to teacher my students about using technology. Additionally, I enjoyed this course and will greatly appreciate the benefits I gained from it.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Web 2.0 tools: MentorMob and Mixbook

     After a few days of exploring MentorMob and Mixbook as web 2.0 tools in the classroom, I believe they both would be wonderful supplements to the classroom. Luckily for teachers, both sites are free to use in their classrooms. MentorMob is designed to link webpages and videos together to create a community of learners. It eliminates the overwhelming amount of information to be found simply by goggling a topic. MentorMob would be ideal for teachers to use to guide student's research or to create lessons for students to view as supplements to their lessons. Also, Mixbook is used to create interactive photo books, e cards, or calenders. Teachers could use Mixbook in their classroom by creating storybooks for their classroom or engage their students in the writing process. By using students writing, the child could create their own unique story and overtime proofread, then ultimately create and order their personal book.
     One of my personal favorites about MentorMob and Mixbook is that they are both completely customizable. Any teacher can incorporate the design of both sites to increase their student's technology usage. Additionally, both sites could be used as tools for student engagement. It allows students to view content is a different manner. Also, it gives students freedom to express their own thoughts differently. I believe that every student could benefit for using MentorMob and Mixbook in their educational careers.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Ali Carr-Chellman: Gaming to reengage boys in Learning

     By exposing multiple needs for the engagement of boys in the classroom, Ali Carr-Chellman discussed why boys are lacking in the educational process. More boys are expelled  or in special education programs than girls. Since each student is unique, there has to be a reasoning for this dramatic range of boys to girls. Carr-Chellman believes zero tolerance, fewer male teachers, and unrealistic expectations are to blame for boys falling behind. Schools expect boys to come to class, sit quietly, and not express their aggressive nature. Clearly this not fair because these expectations are set more easily for girls. Ultimately, we are basically setting up males to fail in the educational process.
     However, since educators are the main problem in boys falling behind, educators could also be the solution. First of all,we must meet boys in their zones. Allow them to express their ideas and not control their thinking process. I believe that people create the best ideas when they are being unique to themselves, so I can only expect the same for my future male students. Instead of trying to redirect boy's interest in gaming, we should embrace this passion. By creating education games, boys would feel more connected with learning. If the process of avoiding aggressiveness and gaming is not working, then maybe the opposite attitude will improve a boy's education.

Monday, July 2, 2012

At a University Archive, Yesterday's Cutting-Edge Video Games Play On

     At the University of Texas in Austin, a video game archive is being put into place. Although the video game industry is only thirty years old, developers are beginning to realize the importance of preserving the video gaming history. Video games have transformed immensely since the 80's and it is important to be able to display to younger generations how video games have evolved. The University of Texas is not only collecting the gaming consoles and games; they also want any sketches of developing games. They do not want people to simply throw away old games or outdated systems. The archive group wants to make people aware of the gaming industry's rich history.   
     I believe this archive is a wonderful movement for the gaming industry. By preserving the history now, it will help students in the future gain a deeper respect for gaming. I also believe it would be great to teach about gaming history to my future students. Students today are so focused on video games that it would be quite easy to get them interested in the history of technology. Students need to be aware of the gaming industry's history in order to fully appreciate games today. Additionally, it could also help students gain an interest in developing their own line of games for future generations.

Why Flipped Classrooms are Here to Stay

     Flipped classrooms is a term used to describe a transformation of the traditional idea of a classroom. In this model, classroom time is spent completing scientific experiments, answering students questions, and gaining a deeper understanding of the content. The lecture from the teacher is given to students through a usb drive or dvd and the students are responsible for reviewing the lecture. This makes the students responsible for their own learning. By having their own time for lectures, students are able to learn at their personalized speeds. Additionally, it causes for students to use the actual class time for more research to clarify ideas.
     I believe this model would be wonderful for a high-school level student because it would lay the responsibility for learning on the student and ultimately help the student be more prepared for college. Also, I believe the flipped classroom would make the students more involved in the class time because they would not be expected to sit quietly during a lecture. On the other hand, there are a few possible problems of implementing this in my future classroom. I would have to be aware if the students were mature enough to monitor their own learning. Some students might not truly watch the lecture videos and fall behind the other student's learning. I would continually have to be aware of the student's motivation to watch the videos on their free time. Although there might be some issues with the flipped classroom model, I believe if implemented properly that the students would greatly benefit from this method of education.

Educator's Guide to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats

     In the recent years, Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats have increased immensely. This increase is a direct parallel of new technology and easier access to technology. Today's generation of teenagers and children have a deep understanding of how to use technology. However, they are not all using technology for beneficial purposes. In this educator's guide, it described multiple forms of cyberbullying and cyberthreats. It also discussed why students view the internet as an easy source to bully other people. By not being face-to-face with the other person, the bully often displays more strength because they are not directly speaking in front of the victim. The educator's guide also discussed the importance of educating students about cyberbullying. Some students do not realize there can be legal consequences of cyberbullying and that a simple, threatening text can be an example of a cyberthreat. Educators must be aware of the presence of potential bullying. 
     I believe that all educators should review a copy of this guide because it really displayed multiple cyberbullying situations as well as response plans. It made me realize how I would educate my future students about cyberbullying to hopefully prevent them from becoming a bully or victim. This guide also made me aware of my role as a teacher because I must instruct my students on proper procedures of the internet.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things

John Hunter's World Peace

    John Hunter, a fourth grade gifted teacher, invented a world peace game that is designed to challenge the cognitive abilities of children. The game began as a 4x4 piece of wood; however, now the game has transformed into a four layered board piece. In the game, the students name four fictional countries and are assigned positions for each country. There are fifty interlocking problems that the students must work through and try to increase their countries beginning value in order to win the game. All of the problems are based on Africa.
    I believe the idea of this game is wonderful to challenge students. First of all, it will really help students develop better critical thinking skills that will help them later in their education. Also, it really opens the eyes of the students to worldly problems. This game could ultimately help the students be more aware of trying to help fix worldly issues. However, there are also additional problems associated with the game. Elementary education is so focused now on test scores that teachers will have issues getting the game approved to use in their classrooms. Principals might view the game as distracting to the students and not preparing them for their state tests. Also, parents might find that the game is too mature for their child. Although these are common problems of materials used by teachers in a classroom, I believe that students could greatly benefit from participating in John Hunter's world peace game.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Ocean Animals- Concept Map

Ocean Animals

I.       Dolphins

A.    Echolocation

Dolphins use their echolocation as their sonar system. They produce high frequency clicks which bounce off of other objects. This information is used to tell the dolphins the shape, size, and distance of surrounding objects.

B.    Mammals

II.     Sharks

A.    Livers aid in floating

B.    Cartilaginous fish

III.    Clown Anemonefish

A.    28 Species

B.    Born all male

Clown Anemonefish are born as all males. Then under certain conditions, some males transform into females. Once the males have transformed into females, they cannot turn back into males.

IV.    Sea Horses

A.    Propel with dorsal fins

B.    Move eyes independently

Sea horses are able to move their eyes independently of each other. This helps the tiny creatures protect themselves from danger because they are able to watch for approaching predators at all time.

V.     Sea Turtles

A.    Threatened species

1.    Pollution

As people dump trash and oil into the ocean, the sea turtle living closer to shore often eat the trash. This causes an infection throughout their body ultimately killing the turtle.

2.    Boat collisions

B.    Long life span

Most sea turtles that survive the harsh conditions live to be up to 50 years old. As they grow older, the sea turtle move closer to the shore line.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Digitial Citizenship: Using Technology Appropriately

     In today's society, people must constantly be aware of their personal safety. There is no difference in the digital world because there will always be dangers. However, people can be educated on the nine elements of digital citizenship. The first element is digital access which means that in order to be productive citizens we must be available to equal digital access. The second element is digital commerce which is the electronic element of buying and selling products through the digital world. Digital communication is the third element that describes how technology has invented multiple methods of communication. The fourth element is digital literacy which that people have to constantly learn about new and changing technology. Digital etiquette is the fifth element that discusses what is appropriate for the digital world. The sixth element is digital law which means that people are legally responsible for what is said in the digital world. Digital rights and responsibility are the seventh element that expands off of the right in the US constitution. The eighth element is digital health and wellness that addresses physical and mental implications technology can have on a person. The ninth element is digital security which describes how people should protect themselves from the dangers of the digital world.
     Digital citizenship is key in creating a beneficial use of the digital world. Educators should be aware of how to educate students about each element of digital citizenship.Students should be aware of their actions in the digital world, as well as their personal safety. If each person followed these guidelines, then the digital world would be more a safe place to use in everyone's daily lives. However, there will always be harmful elements of everything, so we should educate ourselves about our safety and our own rights in the new digital world.

'Safe' Social Networking Tailored for K-12 Schools

     Teachers realize the impact social media could have on a student's education and are tying to use the student's knowledge at the maximum potential possible. We live in a time period where students will use social media no matter what;however, safe social media sites have been designed to use social media to expand a student's education. These sites were designed in order to protect teachers and students, as well as, use the student's natural ability to interact on social media sites. Sites such as Edmodo and eChalk are controlled environments that are set up for teachers to lead students discussions. Also, teachers can monitor student posting and their are safety blockers on the sites to help block people from making obscene postings.
     I believe that these education social media sties would be extremely beneficial to students. It would expand social media to students, so that they could learn how to benefit from connecting with others. Additionally, it would help students to properly display their thoughts about a discussion instead of common oral discussions. The students would have time to reflect and organize their thoughts before having to share them with the class. I also believe it will help students to put more efforts into their work because their peers would be reading it also. As longs as the teacher safely monitor the posts, I believe educational social media will be beneficial for students.

Children's Internet Protection Act July Deadline

     On July 1, 2012, CIPA will include educating students about online safety and cyberbullying in order to receive E-rate federal funds. Schools are able to receive E-rated federal funds by complying to the regulation of the CIPA. Although this new regulation of CIPA is not confusing, schools main issue will be to have a plan written by the deadline to include instruction of online safety and cyberbullying into student curriculum. CIPA does not mandate how the schools are to include this curriculum, so school districts are able to teach the curriculum in the way that best fits their students.
     I believe the biggest issue school districts will have with the July deadline is making the requirement more complicated than it is. School districts have free will about how to teach the content and how to address the information. I believe the most logical way to teach the content to younger children would be to set up a computer play center in each class. The students would have to learn how to properly work the computers before they ever were allowed to use it. I believe once the school districts work out the issues of implementing the new regulation that the students will greatly benefit from the exposure to online safety and cyberbullying. This regulation could ultimately save the lives of children.

A Future Full of Badges

     Universities are now looking into a technological badge to change the way universities validate higher learning. UC-Davis in California is one of the first to receive a badge for their development in research on plant genetics, water conservation, and pest control. These badges were created by the Mozilla Foundation, creators of Firefox web browsing. These badges would be described as awards of achievement for groups and individuals. The badges would ultimately help people display their academic achievement and goals more clearly to future employers. The badges would change entire way academic offices displayed students' achievement rather than displaying a general transcript with letter grades.
     The badges system, I believe, would ultimately be beneficial for all aspects of education. IT could really impact a student's learning because it allows the student to display their knowledge in a relate-able fashion. It would also allow students to become responsible for their learning rather than relying on a general letter grade. Additionally, the badges systems allows for people to track their own goals and success. Students would be able to see growth and potential continually rather than only at the end of a semester. I believe the badges would be beneficial if used correctly in education to distinguish achievement and success of goals.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How To Incorporate Gamification in My Future Classroom

     Gamification can be extremely important in classrooms today. By using the student's natural competitive nature, I could help the students learn new concepts. Several people today view student's education as lacking because they believe students are no longer motivated to learn. However, that is such a wrong statement because students can easily be engaged in learning if the teacher implementing gamification in their classroom. The first focus must be on the students interest and skill level. You would not expect a 7 year old boy to want to pretend to be a father to a baby. However, if the gamification was installed in the activity and the boy thought it was a competition to see who could properly hold a baby or feed a baby, then the boy would be more motivated to correctly preform the task. With each lesson, you have to look at the broader message of the lesson and not focus on the actual activity to the students. The boy would not be excited about the lesson if I started class by saying, "Today we are going to play with baby dolls!" As a teacher, I have to be able to incorporate every students interest and motivating ideas into helping the student gain a better understanding of the concept being taught. 

The Virtues of Blogging as Scholarly Actvity Review

     I really thought it was great to see the blogging aspect of research being shown as accountable research. In our society today, college students view journal articles as a nuisance that our professors require us to research. However, it is not the information in the articles that students are bored by; the style of journal articles are outdated. Being technically savvy,  I would much rather research a blog that displayed videos or presentations about a topic than read a fifteen page journal article with only one way of communicating the author's idea. Research even shows today that students learn information better when it is displayed to them in multiple methods. Additionally, students would also be more self-motivated to do research for themselves if they could research for accountable blogs. Blogging helps students see how information can be displayed multiple ways while still gaining the same knowledge of a journal article. Of course, scholarly activity will always be done through research; however, universities should begin to recognize the impact blogs could have on educating students. Since research shows how students gain a deeper understanding of knowledge through their preferred interest, universities should begin allowing blogs to help formally educate students on new research. We should all continually use our vast array of technological knowledge to display our research findings to others.  

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Vision of K-12 Student Today- 2011

  Technology occupations are continually growing. With this increase of job fields, students must be proficient in technology skills. Although students know how to use technology as social media and gaming, students should also be taught technology skills in order to be applicable for these upcoming jobs.  These students additionally need math, comprehension, and foreign ability skills. China and India are largest English speaking countries. spend most time using technology. 89% of teachers never used a blog.

How Web Literacy Personally Affects Me

     In today's society, the use of the internet has increased drastically. This is a great advance in our technological world; however, only if people use the knowledge of the internet to its maximum potential. As a young adult, my generation viewed the internet as a way to interact with our friends through social media and help simplify research information for our research papers. Unfortunately, our pride of technological ability is actually a false perception because we are not using the ability of the internet properly.
     I had never reflected on my use of the internet until I began this course. Being that I desire to be a educator, I now see the importance of ability of the internet because students need to know how to truly use the internet. For example, I had never thought of twitter as being anything more than another social media site. I thought hashtags were simply conversational ques. Having my eyes opened to twitter's ability, I now see how it can be used to research information or seek guidance from others concerning information through linked hashtags. This enable others to gather their own information and publish their own thoughts and ideas concerning topics.
    As a future educator, I have to be aware of my students' knowledge to successfully use the internet for gaining knowledge. Additionally, I believe that students will be excited to learn new ways to gain knowledge through their own social media sites. I have to be able to teach my students that the internet has much more potential than we use. As technology increases, I want my students to be able to increase their knowledge of how to access the maximum potential of each piece of new and old technology.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


My name is Marleigh Ulmer. I am from Laurel, Mississippi. I am a junior, dual major student at the University of Southern Mississippi. Once I graduate in December 2013, I plan on teaching special education. I enjoy camping and traveling with my family and friends.